

µØÇòÉÏÓÐÒ»ÖÖÉñÆæµÄ¹â£¬½Ð¼«¹â£¡ There¡¯s a miracle light called aurora on the earth.  

ÊÀ½çÉÏÓÐÒ»ÖÖÊ×Áì, ½Ð¹úÍõ£¡There¡¯s a chieftain in the world called the king

¼«¹âÒ²ÓÐÒ»¸ö¹úÍõ, ½Ð¿­·¢Æì½¢Ìü And there¡¯s also a king, called the king of aurora in aurora.

µØÇò×Ô´ÓÓÐÁ˼«¹â£¬Since there¡¯s aurora on the earth,

Á½¼«±ã²»ÔÙºÚ°µ£» The two poles of which is no longer dark.

¼«¹â×Ô´ÓÓÐÁ˹úÍõ, Since the aurora has its own king,

Á½¼«µÄÊÀ½ç´Ó´Ë±äµÃѤÀö¶à²Ê£¬The world of the two poles becomes bright and colorful.

ÕâÀïµÄÈËÃÇ£¬ÓÐÁË¿­·¢Æì½¢ÌüµÄ¹ØÕÕ£¬With the caring of the king of aurora

ÏíÊÜ×ÅÐÒ¸£ÃÀÂúµÄÉú»î......, The people here have been enjoying a happy life.

ÊÓ½çÒ²ÓÐÒ»¸ö¿­·¢Æì½¢Ìü£¬   There¡¯s also a king of aurora in the visual world,

×Ô´ÓÓÐÁËËû£¬Since who became the king of the aurora,the industry of led

»§Íâ¹Ì×°ÏÔʾ¾ÍÓÐÁ˵±Ö®ÎÞÀ¢µÄÁìÐä! Display for outdoor fixed installation does have its own fully deserved leader!

¹âÓ°Êӽ磬The visual world of light and shadow

×ÜÊDz»¶ÏµØ´´Ôì×Å´«Æ棬Has always created the miracles constantly.


Aurora is just a black horse running out of this industry.

10ÄêÒÔÀ´£¬ÒÔ´´ÐÂΪ·¢Õ¹»ùÒò£¬For 10 years, taking the innovation as the developing gene,

¿­·¢Æì½¢Ìü´´Ôì·¢Ã÷ÁËÁìÏÈÈ«ÇòµÄ LED DIP3in1 µÆÖé·â×°¼¼Êõ£¬

Kaurora has created and invented the leading LEDs encapsulation technology.

Ò»Ö±±»Ä£·Â£¬ÖÁ½ñ´Óδ±»³¬Ô½£¬Always being imitated, but never being surpassed up to now.

Æä¼¼Êõ»ñµÃÁ˹ú¼ÒרÀûµÄ±£»¤£¬Whose technology has been patented by the

Öð²½Êܵ½Á˹ú¼ÊÉç»áÒµÄڵĹ㷺ÈÏ¿É£¡State intellectual property bureau and approved by the industrial circle of the international society.

´Óµ¥Ò»Ä£×éµ½ÕûÆÁÉ豸£¬²úÖµ´Ó¼¸Ç§Íòµ½ÊýÒÚÔª£¬From single modules to complete screen equipment, and the tens of millions to hundreds of millions of output value,

²»¶Ï¹ö¶¯·¢Õ¹, continuously rolling development.

²úÆ·ÒѾ­³É¹¦ÏúÊÛµ½È«Çò120¶à¸ö¹ú¼ÒºÍµØÇø£¬Our products have been sold to more than 120 countries and areas.

´´ÔìÁËÖîÈç¹þÈø¿Ë˹̹¡°Ê÷Ò¶¡±£¬ÃÀ¹ú¹è¹È¡°¸ßÅÚ¡±µÈ ÉÏǧ¸öÀï³Ì±®Ê½µÄ¹¤³Ì£¬

We have already achieved many milestone projects such as the Kazakhstan¡°Leaf¡±, and the American ¡°Antiaircraft Gun¡±.

ÉîÊܹã´óÓû§µÄ¹ã·ºÔÞÓþºÍϲ°®£¬Which are widely praised and liked by the users.

Èç½ñµÄKaurora(¿­·¢Æì½¢Ìü)òãÉùÊӽ磬ÏíÓм«¸ßµÄÉùÓþºÍº¬½ðÁ¿£¬Now the Kaurora is famous all over the visual world and enjoys a high reputation and gold content.

ÆóÒµ´´Ê¼ÈËÖ¸»²»ÍüÏçÇ×£¬The founder of the company is rich and does not forget the villagers,

ÏȺóÊý´Î¾è¿îÉÏ°ÙÍò£¬Ö§³Ö¼ÒÏçÐÞ·½¨Ð£µÈ¹«ÒæÊÂÒµ£¬Donated millions of money several times to support the construction of the roads, schools and other public welfare undertakings in his hometown.

CEOµÄÉƾÙÓ®µÃÁ˼ÒÏ縸ÀϵĽ»¿Ú³ÆÔÞ£¡CEO¡¯s kindness won the praise of his hometown.

°¡£¡ÎҵĿ­·¢Æì½¢Ìü£¡Ah!My Kaurora!

ÎÒÓÉÖԵأ¬I sincerely

ÔÞÃÀÄ㣡praise you and

¸èËÌÄ㣡eulogize you

ÔÞÃÀÄãµÄÉñ¼££¡for your miracles

¸èËÌÄãµÄΰ´ó£¡and your great!

×Ô´ÓÓÐÁËÄ㣬Since having you,

ÊÀ½ç±ã²»ÔÙºÚ°µ£¬´Ó´Ë±äµÃѤÀö¶à²Ê£¬The world is no longer dark and becomes

more colorful.

ÔÚºÚ°µÖУ¬ÃþË÷Ç°ÐеÄÈËÃÇ£¬The people groping forward in the dark

´Ó´Ë²»ÔÙÃÔÀ룬is no longer blurred.

ÕÒµ½ÁËÇ°Ðеķ½Ïò£»and found the forward directions.

Éú»îÔÚ¼«µØµÄÈËÃÇ£¬The people live in the polar area                                      

°ÚÍÑÁËÂþÂþºÚÒ¹µÄÕÛÄ¥£¬are free from the torment and long night

¹ýÉÏÁËÐÒ¸£ÃÀÂúºÍ·á¸»¶à²ÊµÄÉú»î£¡and living a happy and colorful life.

°¡£¡ÎҵĿ­·¢Æì½¢Ìü£¡Ah!My Kaurora!

ÎÒ´òÐÄÑÛÀI do from the bottom of my heart

¸Ð¼¤Ä㣬thank you,

¸Ð¶÷Ä㣬and appreciate you

¸Ð¼¤ÄãµÄΰ´ó£¡for your great

¸Ð¶÷ÄãµÄ¶÷´Í£¡and your favor

×Ô´Ó¼ûµ½Ä㣬Since my meeting you,

È˼ä¾Í²»ÔÙ¼Åį£¬¹âÓ°ÊÓ½ç»îÁ¦·Ç·²£¬The world is no longer lonely, and the

the visual world of light and shadow is full of extraordinary vitality.

ÔÚ¼«¹âÏ£¬ÕÒµ½Á˻ؼҵÄ·£¡Under the aurora, we found the road to go home.

ÈËÃÇ»¶ÉùЦÓPeople live with cheers and laughter

ÏíÊÜ×ÅÉú»îµÄÌðÃÛ£»and enjoy the sweetness of life.

Á÷ÀËÔÚ¼«µØµÄÓÎ×Ó£¬Wanderers in the polar regions

°ÚÍÑÁ˼¢º®½»ÆȵÄÀ§ÈÅ£¬Having gotten rid off the besetting of the hunger and cold,

¹ýÉÏÁË·áÒÂ×ãʳºÍ¹â²ÊÕÕÈ˵ÄÉú»î¡£They are living an ample food and clothing,and glorious life.

°¡£¡ÎҵĿ­·¢Æì½¢Ìü£¡Ah!My Kaurora!

ÎÒ´Ó¾«ÉñÉÏ£¬In spirit, I

³çÉÐÄ㣡admire you,

ÐÅ·þÄ㣡and believe in you!

³çÉÐÄãµÄÃÀµÂ£¡Admiring your virtue!

ÐÅ·þÄãµÄ÷ÈÁ¦£¡Believing in your charm!

×Ô´ÓËæÁËÄ㣬Since my following you,

ÎÒÄÚÐÄÌرð¼á¶¨£¬ÒâÖ¾Á¦Ò²Ê®·Ö¼áÇ¿£»My heart is specifically staunch,

and my will power is also very strong!

ÔÚÊÓÒ°À³äÂú×ÅÉñÆ漫¹â£¬In the field of vision, being full of the magic aurora.

ÓеÂÓþÂúÌìÏ£¬The good reputation spreads throughout the world with a fine virtue,

¿­·¢Æì½¢ÌüÆìÖĸüÏÊÃ÷£»The Kaurora¡¯s flag is clearer!

ÎÒ×ñÑ­×ÅÄãµÄÃÀµÂ£¬I follow your virtue,

ããÓîÖæÎÒÐÐÄãµÄÊ¢Ãû£¬I do your fame in the boundless universe,

É¢·¢×ÅÎÞÇîµÄÓÀºã÷ÈÁ¦ºÍÇ¿¸ÐÕÙÁ¦¡£Exuding infinite charm and strong appeal.

°¡£¡ÎҵĿ­·¢Æì½¢Ìü£¡Ah!My Kaurora!

ÎÒ´Ó˼ÏëÉÏ£¬Mentally, I

ÈÏͬÄ㣡identify you,

×·ËæÄ㣡and follow you!

ÈÏͬÄãµÄÔ¸¾°£¡identifying your vision,

¼ùÐÐÄãµÄʹÃü£¡and carrying out your mission!

×Ô´Ó¸úÁËÄ㣬Since my following you,

Éú»î³äÂúÁËÆæ¼££¬ÐÅÄîÀíÏë¸ß¶Èͳһ£¬My life is full of miracles,

and my belief and ideal are highly unified.

ÔÚÓîÖæ¼ä£¬¿­·¢Æì½¢ÌüÐǹâÕÕÒ«£¬In the universe,Kaurora is shining brightly,

ÓÌÈçÒý·µÄµÆËþ£¬Just like a beacon leading the way!

¸÷·È˲ÅͶÄã÷âÏ£¬All kinds of talents are under your command.

ÄãÊÇ»§Íâ¹Ì×°±ê¸Ë£¬You are the benchmark of the led display for outdoor fixed installation,

DIP 3in1 È«ÇòΨһ£¬The DIP 3in1 technology is the unique all over the world,

ÄãµÄÔ¸¾°ÊÇ»§Íâ¹Ì×°ÏÔʾҵÄÚµÚÒ».and your vision is: To be the No.1 in the industry of LED display for outdoor fixed installation!


Ê÷Áּ䣬ÄñÉùßúà±£¬ÄñÒôÍñת£¬ÎªÄã¶ø¸è³ª£»In the woods, birds are singing for you by chirping one another with euphemism words!

ɽ½§ÀȪˮ¶£ßË£¬ä¸ä¸ÈªË®£¬ÎªÄã¶øÌøÔ¾£»In the mountain stream, a trickle of spring water is jumping for you by tinkling!


ÂúɽÀ¶Å¾é»¨¿ª£¬Âþɽ±éÒ°£¬ÎªÄã¶øÕÀ·Å£»In the mountains, the azaleas are blossoming for you in the mountains and fields!

À¶ÌìÉÏ£¬ÐÛÓ¥Õ¹³á£¬²«»÷·çÓ꣬ΪÄã¶øÕ½¶·¡£In the blue sky, the eagles are fighting for you by spreading their wings and beating the wind and rain!


Ôƺ£ÖУ¬ÍòÀïÔƺ££¬ÔƾíÔÆÊ棬ΪÄã¶ø׳¹Û£»In the sea of clouds, thousands of miles of sea of clouds,which are making a spectacular view for you by rolling and spreading ways!

¹âÓ°ÀºìÂÌÀ¶×Ï£¬Îå²ÊçÍ·×£¬ÎªÄã¶øìŲÊ¡£In the light and shadow, the red,green,blue and purple are dazzling for you colorfully!

²ì Observe,

È«Êӽ磬¼«¹âΪÍõ£¬»§Íâ¹Ì×°£¬DIPÈýºÏÒ»¶À³ªÖ÷½Ç£¬ÉáÎÒÆäË­£¿ All over the visual world, the king is Kaurora,DIP 3in1 is the solo protagonist,who but Kaurora can do it!

ÏÔʾÆÁ£¬¸ßÁÁ¸ßÎÈ£¬40%½ÚÄÜ£¬DIP570 LED ¶ÀÌô´óÁº£¬Ë­ÓëÕù·æ£¿LED displays, high brightness and high stability,40% energy-saving rate, DIP570 LED is the unique beam,who but DIP570 LED can compete with itself!

ÎÒΪÍõÕߣ¬I am the king!

¿­·¢Æì½¢ÌüÊÇÎÒ£¡Kaurora is just me!

ÎÒ¾ÍÊÇ¿­·¢Æì½¢Ìü£¡I am just Kaurora!

Kaurora¾ÍÊÇÎÒ£¡ Kaurora is just me!

ÐÛÓ¥¾ÍÊÇÎÒµÄͼÌÚ£¬¼«¹âÊÇÎÒµÄÁé»ê£¡The eagle is my totem, and the aurora is my soul!

ÎÒÊÇÈ«ÇòÁìÏȵÄLED»§ÍâDIP3in1 ÏÔʾÆÁ¿ª´´Õߣ¬I am the global outdoor DIP 3in1 LED display creator!

ÎҵĺËÐļÛÖµ¹ÛÊÇ£ºÎñʵ¡¢µ£µ±¡¢¸Ð¶÷£¡My core value is pragmatic,

pragmatic, responsibility and gratitude

ÎÒµÄÄ¿±ê¾ÍÊdzÉΪȫÇò»§ÍâLEDÖ±²åÈýºÏÒ»ÏÔʾÆÁÍõÕߣ¡Our aim is to become the king of the global outdoor LED DIP 3in1 screens!

ÎÒµÄʹÃü¾ÍÊÇÈÃÊÀ½ç±äµÃÓúÀ´ÓúÃÀÀö£¡Our mission is to let the world become more and more beautiful!

¸»Ç¿ÆóÒµ£¬ÐÒ¸£Ô±¹¤£¬»Ø±¨Éç»á£¬Richen and power ahead of the enterprise,make the employees happy and repay the society!

ʹÃüÔÚÉí£¬The mission is in mind,

ÔðÈÎÔڼ磬The responsibility is on shoulders,

Ä¿±êÔÚÇ°£¬The target is just ahead of us,

²»ÈÝиµ¡£¬No slacking,

²»ÈÝÇáÊÓ£¬No belittling,

ÈÃÎÒÃÇЯÆðÊÖÀ´£¬Let¡¯s join our hands,

ÆëÐÄЭÁ¦£¬é龫½ßÁ¦£¬¼è¿à·Ü¶·£¬ÓÂÍùֱǰ£¡Make concerted efforts, do our utmost,work hard and march forward and courageously!

Ö±ÖÁÈ«ÃæʵÏÖÎÒÃǵĺêΰĿ±ê£¡Until we realize all of our magnificent targets!

²»´ïÄ¿±ê, Never give up,

¾ø²»°ÕÐÝ£¡Until we reach our goal!


Õ½¶·µÄºÅ½ÇÒѾ­´µÏ죬The horn of battle has already sounded!

ʱ²»´ýÎÒ£¬The time will not wait for me,

´Ëʱ²»²«£¬If not battle now

¸ü´ýºÎʱ£¿when we can wait for battling best?

¿­·¢Æì½¢ÌüµÄС»ï°éÃÇ£¬Friends of Kaurora,

ÄãÃÇ×¼±¸ºÃÁËÂ𣿣¡Are you ready for battling?!

ÎҼǵÃ: I remember that

±±¾©µçӰѧԺ´ÞÎÀƽ½ÌÊÚÔø˵¹ý£ºthe professor Weiping Cui from Beijing Film Academy has ever said:

ÄãËùÕ¾Á¢µÄµØ·½£¬ÕýÊÇÄãµÄÖйú£¬The place you stand is just your China,

ÄãÔõôÑù£¬Öйú±ãÔõôÑù£»As what you are, so what is China,

ÄãÊÇʲô£¬Öйú±ãÊÇʲô£» What you are China would be,

ÄãÓйâÃ÷£¬Öйú±ã²»ºÚ°µ¡£If you are bright, China would be not dark!

´ÓÓ¦¸ÃÓÐÖ÷ÈËÎÌÒâʶµÄ½Ç¶È£¬From the perspective of having the sense of the master of the society,

Òò´Ë£¬ÎÒÃÇÒ²¿ÉÒÔÕâô˵£ºTherefore, we can express the above meaning by this way:

ÄãËùÕ¾Á¢µÄµØ·½£¬ÕýÊÇÄãµÄ¿­·¢Æì½¢Ìü£¬The place you stand is just your Kaurora,

ÄãÔõôÑù£¬¿­·¢Æì½¢Ìü±ãÔõôÑù£»As what you are, so what is Kaurora,

ÄãÊÇʲô£¬¿­·¢Æì½¢Ìü±ãÊÇʲô£»What you are Kaurora would be,

ÄãÓйâÃ÷£¬¿­·¢Æì½¢Ìü±ã²»ºÚ°µ£»If you are bright, Kaurora would not be dark!

Òò´Ë£¬ÔÚ¿Í»§ºÍ¸÷λÀ´±öÃæÇ°£¬Therefore£¬in front of every customer and guest,

¿­·¢Æì½¢ÌüÊÇÄ㣬Äã¾ÍÊÇ¿­·¢Æì½¢Ìü£»Kaurora is just you, you are also just Kaurora;

ÄãµÄÐÎÏ󣬴ú±í×Å¿­·¢Æì½¢ÌüµÄÐÎÏó£»Your image is just representing the image of Kaurora;

ÄãÈç¹ûÑô¹â£¬¿­·¢Æì½¢Ìü±ã²»Òõ°µ£»If you are sunny, Kaurora would not be dark!

Äã³äÂúÕýÆø£¬¿­·¢Æì½¢Ìü±ã²»»áÓÐаÆø£»If you are full of righteousness, Kaurora would not be evil!

ÄãÓÐÕýÄÜÁ¿£¬¿­·¢Æì½¢Ìü±ãûÓиºÄÜÁ¿£»If you have positive energy, Kaurora would not have negative energy!

ÄãºÜÓÅÐ㣬¿­·¢Æì½¢Ìü¾ÍÒ»¶¨ºÜ׿Խ£¡If you are outstanding, Kaurora would be surely excellent!


Dear brothers and sisters of Kaurora, this is just the right relations we should have between Kaurora and us!

ÇëÓÀÔ¶¼Çס£¡Please, remember this forever!

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